5. Ready for 6.4


While WordPress 6.4 arrives, and with an eye on WordPress 6.5, concrete proposals are launched as to what the next version of the editor should include.

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Program transcript

Hello, I’m Javier Casares, and you’re listening to WordPress Podcast, bringing the weekly news from the WordPress Community.

You’ll find updates from October 30th to November 5th, 2023.

Following the WordPress 6.4 RC3 24-hour delay from October 31 to November 1, the final version release is now being prepared.

This release candidate was held up by 3 tickets that stalled its creation, mainly due to improvements in the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.

On one hand, there were pagination issues in the Query block when patterns or template parts were involved.

On the other, some internal elements of the theme’s main screen were changed.

And finally, there were revisions in the RTL system, which displays information from right to left on the screen, because the styles were not loading correctly.

Now that everything is ready for the launch of WordPress 6.4 on November 7, the team in charge of maintaining this new version is being prepared, which is reduced from the 16 people who usually lead a major release.

These individuals will focus on ticket management and coordination with those maintaining the different components of this version and prepare documentation on these minor versions, including both the documentation itself and the corresponding entries on the various sites.

Taking advantage of the fact that everything is almost finalized, the team has released a summary of the accessibility improvements for WordPress 6.4. These include a ticket from 6 years ago about separating the save and delete buttons on a menu to surpassing over 50 applied improvements and updates.

What is still unknown is when WordPress 6.5 will be prepared. The call for volunteers wishing to participate in this version is not yet closed, and the dates have not been defined, although it is quite clear that the release could be around early to mid-February.

The Performance team has already started working with the upcoming WordPress 6.5 version and is working on improvements to validate the existence of files in the system and other tickets that mainly affect the improvement of the WordPress core loading time.

On the Developers‘ blog, a very detailed entry has been published about color management in blocks, and how custom color options can be added. Adding attributes, gradients, saving the block and its code, or adding styles are some of the elements explained.

The Openverse team has released work proposals for the coming months, and to start with, the content-sensitive blur system on the front end has already been launched. It’s not official yet but is available for use. Other projects being worked on include reducing the API response time or additional search views.

As expected, BuddyPress 11.4 has been released as a maintenance version where a bug is fixed, and Admin Notifications are added, ensuring full compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 6.4.

Finally, this podcast is distributed under the EUPL license. For more information and links, please visit WordPress Podcast .org or follow the content, also, in Spanish.

Thanks for listening, and until the next episode!


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